I would like to inquire whether it is somehow possible to install Rosa Linux 12.3 (KDE) on an Acer Aspire 515-44G in UEFI mode, with both Secure Boot and TPM enabled? Windows 11 came preinstalled on the machine and -at least until the warranty expires- I do not want to brother it at all, just left it at it's current place, without modifying anything.
Since the machine's SDD is too small, I decided to put Rosa on an external HDD.
I downloaded the necessary ISO file (ROSA 12.3 PLASMA UEFI) and tried to write it on a flash drive.
I tried it first with the recommended Rosa Image Writer and -after an unsuccesful boot attempt- BalenaEtcher but both of my boot attempts failed. The writing process itself seems to be succesful, but booting from the flash drive fails. On the screen a shield can be seen with a red locket inside it, and underneath there is the message "Security Boot Fail". If I press a button, the machine restarts, and Windows loads normally.
I went trough the same procedure with a different image (Linux Mint 21.1 XFCE), but in this case Mint Live loads without any problems, and I'd have a chance to install it from the GUI.
Does this mean that this is an issue with Rosa's UEFI support, and therefore one can only install the system with Secure Boot option turned off or I've done something wrong?
Thank you for considering my question!
UEFI Installation 12.3
UEFI Installation 12.3
Sorry to hear that!
Thank you for your answer!
Thank you for your answer!
UEFI Installation 12.3
Don't know. Perhaps you can install the bootloader from another Linux distribution. Then manually transfer rosa from the image. It may be possible to raise the system from rootfs.
UEFI Installation 12.3
Thanks for the tip, I might give it a try.