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ATTENTION: Big drinking days in Russia: 31 Dec till 10 Jan!

Добавлено: 30 дек 2013, 18:36
Hello our world-wide ROSA users!
Please note that in Russia we have the largest year's festive days from 31 December (evening) till 10 January approx (New Year plus the Orthodox Christmas). So there is 99,99% probability that the developers won't be available at all here on the forums and mailing lists. So please be patient and do not rely on their help as it usually happens the rest of the year :D if unsure — do not update the system at all :wink:
Happy New Year to all! :beer:

Re: ATTENTION: Big drinking days in Russia: 31 Dec till 10 Jan!

Добавлено: 30 дек 2013, 19:20
Thank you to all ROSA Team.
Happy New Year to all ! :beer:

Re: ATTENTION: Big drinking days in Russia: 31 Dec till 10 Jan!

Добавлено: 01 янв 2014, 13:54
Happy New Year! Many thanks for all your work. Have a great time and enjoy your holiday...Welcome back!